04. February 2022

Seed-financing of 1.2M€ secured

Portrait von Dr. Sascha Dorok

Dr. Sascha Dorok

Managing Director

CREDOXYS is happy to announce the closing of the seed founding round. The round was led by the Technologiegründerfond Sachsen, which has a strong focus on early-stage investments in Saxonian technology start-ups. The investors also include the TUDAG TU Dresden Aktiengesellschaft, well-experienced in the transfer of knowledge from university to industry.

The funds will be used to advance CREDOXYS dopant technology and make it ready for entering the Asian display market. “This seed financing round led by the TGFS enables us to advance our strong portfolio of dopants and take the next steps towards the scale-up of new high-performance materials” said Dr. Sascha Dorok, CEO & co-founder, CREDOXYS GmbH. “In addition, with the backing of our investors, we will expand our team and are looking for new employees”.

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